On December 9, 2020, Mission Wealth hosted the first INSPIREDtalk as part of the newest Inspired Living™ service offering. In this INSPIREDtalk, we heard from New York Times bestselling author Chip Conley, who presented tangible tools that can help you to make the leap into your next phase of life. Chip also shared deeper ways to reflect, feel gratitude, and gain fulfillment from life by re-categorizing your upcoming life transitions.
Read our top takeaways and watch the video below!
INSPIREDtalk Takeaways
Read our key takeaways and watch the video below!
Change vs. Transition
Change is situational while transition is psychological as it can lead to transformation.
Linear Life is Dead
We played “The Game of Life” as kids, but that narrow, linear path no longer defines modern life.
Midlife Transitions
Mastering transitions has become one of life’s most important skills, especially in midlife when we face a traffic jam of transitions.
Three Stages of Transition
Being conscious and intentional as you go through - the ending/letting go, the messy middle, the beginning/opening to new - accelerate a successful transition.
Caterpillar to Butterfly
This most well-known transition journey with the dark, gooey chrysalis as the messy middle stage – shows the value of transformation.
U-Curve of Happiness
For a variety of reasons, we bottom-out in life satisfaction between age 45-50 and contentment grows with each passing decade after that.
Growth Mindset
A fixed mindset focuses on “proving” oneself and winning while a growth mindset focuses on “improving” oneself and learning.
Modern Elder
A modern elder can be a 40 year old surrounded by 20 year old's and is the perfect alchemy of curiosity and wisdom, knowing when to up the ante on each.
Long Life Learning
Distinct from “lifelong learning,” this approach helps you create a life that is as deep and meaningful as it is long.
Longevity Hour Glass
What percentage of your adult life is still ahead of you? You’ve probably underestimated.
Don’t ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive, and then go do it. Because what the world needs is people who come alive.
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About The Speaker | Chip Conley
Rebel hospitality entrepreneur and New York Times bestselling author, Chip Conley disrupted his favorite industry... twice. At age 26 he founded Joie de Vivre Hospitality (JdV), transforming an inner-city motel into the second largest boutique hotel brand in America. He sold JdV after running it as CEO for 24 years, and soon the young founders of Airbnb asked him to help transform their promising start-up into the world’s leading hospitality brand. Chip served as Airbnb’s Head of Global Hospitality and Strategy for four years and today acts as the company’s Strategic Advisor for Hospitality and Leadership. His five books have made him a leading authority at the intersection of psychology and business. Chip was awarded “Most Innovative CEO” by the San Francisco Business Times, is the recipient of hospitality’s highest honor, the Pioneer Award, and holds a BA and MBA from Stanford University. Learn more about Chip here, and check out Chip’s Modern Elder Academy.
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