Green Valley Wealth Management
Green Valley Wealth Management has Merged with Mission Wealth
Green Valley Wealth Management’s accomplished team strengthened Mission Wealth’s existing client service experience in North Carolina and established a strong presence in the Southeastern Region.Green Valley Wealth Management is Now Part of Mission Wealth
On October 4, 2022, Mission Wealth LP announced our merger with Green Valley Wealth Management, an investment firm that operated out of Greensboro, NC, and oversaw approximately $90 million in assets under management. Green Valley Wealth Management’s accomplished team strengthened Mission Wealth’s existing client service experience in North Carolina. The partnership established a location in the Southeastern Region, allowing Mission Wealth to serve the needs of future clientele in this region.
A Growing Team With More Resources
If you need to reach us, please use the updated contact information below.
Phyllis Lancaster, CFP®
Partner and Senior Wealth Advisor
Phone: (336) 676-6900

Susan Rizzi, CFP®
Partner and Senior Wealth Advisor
Phone: (336) 676-6900

Beth Barton
Client Service Representative
Phone: (336) 676-6900
If you need to login to the former GVWM Client Portal, click the button below.
Access Your Personal Financial Website
Location Information
We will continue to serve clients remotely and in-person from the following location.Insights Articles
Read our latest M&A articles from the Insights Blog.