Mission Wealth Testimonials

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client testimonials
When we first started this journey, to have real professional help with our finances, our interview with [Mission Wealth] was fairly simple. It was an easy decision with John and I both choosing to go with you and Mission Wealth. You (Steve) are exactly the same person we interviewed. It wasn’t a sales pitch. And you are exactly the person we choose today. Finances will always be variable, but you have stayed true and confidently handled the last tumultuous years with positivity. Thanks for taking care of our whole family. They are everything to me.
Kristen S. - Client
The most important asset a company can have, and that is especially true in the service industry, and critical in the financial advisory services industry is TRUST. Well, Mission Wealth has my hundred and ten percent trust in how they handle my money. Their judgment is based on prudent analysis of risk-benefit ratio and they have not failed me in the years I have been using their services. If you want to sleep peacefully at night and know someone is [handling] your financial well-being, go Mission.
Ichak A. - Client
Clients high five - Testimonials page

Our experience with Mission Wealth has been excellent across the board. From day one, our advisor, Will Foley, has been knowledgeable, professional, accountable, and extremely responsive to our evolving needs.

Will orchestrates the team of experts at Mission Wealth to bring a range of professional financial services to support our goals. My wife and I could not be more pleased with our decision to partner with Mission Wealth.

David B. - Client

I am a satisfied client of Mission Wealth, and because of the excellent work that Julianna is doing in taking care of our financial resources. Not only does Julianna have high levels of financial expertise, but she is extremely thorough and pays intense attention to details.

As an example, in her prep for our meeting, she had noticed that my regular pension payment was missing from my 2021 tax return, an omission both the CPA and I had missed. We were able to quickly file an amended return before the extension deadline today thereby avoiding any penalties.

Even more importantly, the income-oriented strategy that she has overseen (with the help of Brian and others, of course) has played out very well in the current negative markets. At this point, I'm sure glad I chose Mission Wealth and Julianna to manage our wealth.

Jim D. - Client

It’s hard to believe that it’s been five months since my husband passed away. During this time, I have experienced some breaks in concentration, which I attribute to the "widow fog." As my husband's Alzheimer's disease advanced, Rory has been a constant support to help me cope with the changes that have occurred and those yet to come.

I am writing to express my gratitude for Mission Wealth's unwavering assistance to my husband and me over the last decade. Without your support, I could not have managed it all. Thank you once again.

Geri G. - Client

We chose Mission Wealth over 3 other wealth managers because of how they presented a well-thought-out financial and tax management strategy a few years ago. Over time they have proven to be fantastic wealth managers with well-performing results but what has impressed us the most is their accessibility and personal interest in our overall relationship.

Julianna has our complete trust and confidence and at no time are we left wondering what is happening with our portfolio. We feel we have a fully integrated tax, wealth, and estate partnership at Mission Wealth with Julianna taking the lead.

Steve & Helen - Clients
Although I appreciate Mission Wealth's holiday card, you (and your team) are what I am really thankful for. You (Jorie) take the worry out of one of my most important items in retirement. I am so lucky to have you as my retirement money liaison. You are very knowledgeable, thoughtful, kind, upbeat, and straightforward with me. I greatly appreciate all of your attributes.
Andy T. - Client

I have been with brokerage companies for many years, but there came a point when I needed a wealth management company to better suit my needs. I interviewed two different companies: one was a brokerage house with offices locally, and the other was Mission Wealth (MW). Both made presentations and recommendations involving my account, considering taxes and investments. However, MW's presentation was both comprehensive and relevant, covering a number of key areas. They became my first choice, and I have not been disappointed or looked back.

Having the right senior wealth advisor is the best part of this important relationship. I am very grateful for Ethan's management of my accounts. He has initiated, on my behalf, a review of my insurance coverage, annuities, investments, income tax positions (including certain specific recommendations), and now estate tax considerations.

The in-house capability of MW advisors is very helpful in complementing Ethan's ongoing account management, including relevant cash flow projections. Having confidence in Ethan makes it easier to face the sometimes rough financial times we have.

Throughout the process, Ethan has been a trusted partner in meetings with attorneys, CPAs, and insurance brokers, and in understanding my family. He has competently explained different issues, including related risks and mitigation plans, as well as various recommendations. He is available and proactive. Most importantly, I trust that Ethan's counsel is in my best interest. I trust him implicitly. I can't ask for more than that!

Denise C. - Client
Client feedback

I love Peter's knowledge and passion, but most importantly, I feel like he really cares about helping me make the most of my earnings. I love knowing that I have options available to me, and he explains the thinking behind his recommendations and takes the time to help me understand and feel comfortable with my choices.

The timing of Peter and me joining Mission Wealth and being matched up is ideal. I feel like I have more than an advisor; I have a trusted partner…which is exactly what I was hoping. Some companies view their employees as resources to use, and others view them as assets for investment and growth. I’m glad to see Mission Wealth falls into that latter category.

Cheryl D. - Client
Client Testimonials

I have been working with Mission Wealth for two years and have been very pleased with the customer service and support.

My financial advisor Will Foley is incredibly knowledgeable, very organized, and very responsive! I appreciate that he takes the time to get to know his clients and really understand their goals. I highly recommend working with Will - he is someone I have complete trust in and know he always has my best interests in mind.

Laura d. - Client
Thanks so much Geoff – You have gone above and beyond – again. To say I appreciate your help is an understatement...as you are (painfully) aware, these things are not my area of expertise!
Steve T. - Client
Mission Wealth has given my wife and me greater confidence that our money will outlast us in the challenging times ahead. Its advisors are as professional and caring as can be! Thank you.
David F. - Client

Where do I begin sharing my experience working with Daniele Beasley? For almost two years, it has been the best decision I have made for myself. Coming from a different firm, I realized what I needed more of when it came to knowledge and guidance. Daniele's focus, dedication to financial literacy, and commitment to helping female entrepreneurs like myself thrive were everything I was looking for.

Coming from a background where money is scary or a struggle and a male-dominated firm, Daniele has helped me change that narrative and my relationship with money. She has made my time with her enjoyable when we meet, leaving me feeling like I actually know and understand what we are doing, what we are planning for, and especially why. I love feeling like I had a little 101 seminar with her, so I understand my future - working with Daniele has given me that peace of mind, which is invaluable. She is AMAZING at what she does; she gives women the confidence and the knowledge to stay motivated and learn about finance, especially when it's your hard-earned money. I can keep raving more about this amazing human because her passion for knowledge, helping women, and teaching is unmatched, and I am so beyond lucky to have her be part of my life!

Laura R. - Client

Mission Wealth has been an extremely valuable partner in advising on the structure and management of my estate as I planned for and moved into retirement. Amanda and Joey have been instrumental with their advice and guidance on wealth management and tax planning, especially about managing and diversifying out of a concentrated stock position.

Amanda’s expertise in philanthropic planning has been insightful in establishing a long-term charitable giving plan that allows me to benefit the causes I want to support as a key component of my estate plan with tax-efficient giving strategies. The comprehensive approach to life-long wealth management and planning has allowed me to focus on what I want to do in the years ahead with the peace of mind that my estate plan is secure.

It has been extremely valuable for me to draw on Mission Wealth’s deep knowledge and expertise in estate and tax planning, investments, trust advisement, and wealth management. The team not only has the financial and legal expertise but also provides the most personalized and caring approach to working with clients, which really confirms that they have my personal best interest, long-term goals, and success at the heart of our relationship.

Tom R. - Client

As I neared retirement, I managed our investments myself. When I actually retired, I watched all the financial news and shows, updated my Excel worksheets weekly, researched new investment possibilities, etc. etc. etc. At first, I enjoyed the process and felt involved, invested, and responsible. But fairly quickly, I realized that I was spending a lot of my retirement free time doing all this stuff. What started out as enjoyment was quickly turning into another job. Retirement was getting stressful.

That’s when I realized it was time to turn to the professionals. Mission Wealth was the clear winner of our research efforts, and what a relief it was to turn over my “job” to the pros. Mission Wealth, and Julianna in particular, have given me back my retirement, and I can’t thank them enough. Our investments continue to grow nicely, and our feeling of security couldn’t be higher.

Tim & Corky - Clients

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Testimonials appearing on this website have been received by current clients of Mission Wealth Management LP. All testimonials reflect the experiences of those who have used our services in some way or another. However, they are individual results, and they may vary. We do not claim that they are typical results that our clients will or should expect to achieve. The testimonials do not necessarily represent all who will use our services. No compensation has been paid to any client in exchange for the testimonials appearing on this website. The images used on this page are not actual clients.

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