Last week Mission Wealth joined CALM (Child Abuse Listening and Mediation) for their second annual CALM at Heart Luncheon. The event featured inspiring keynote speakers, a heartwarming family story, raffle prizes and more. The prizes included 8 different baskets ranging from “Stocking Stuffers” with an array of gift cards for local stores to “Nights at the Movies," a yearlong pass for two to Metropolitan Theatres.
CALM is an organization that is dedicated to preventing, evaluating and treating child abuse in Santa Barbara County. The organization has been at the forefront of the field by offering programs to families that both treat and prevent child abuse. Mission Wealth is proud to support such a great cause.
To learn more about CALM, or to find out what you can do to help, please visit their website at calm4kids.org
Pictured from left to right: Robyn Wallace, Jessica Mora, Tricia Fahnoe, Amanda Thomas, Michelle Wisniewski, Renee Hennessee