
Helping Victims of Hurricane Harvey

In Asset Protection, Firm Announcements by Mission Wealth


As of August 30, an estimated 30,000 to 40,000 homes had been destroyed and more than 3,000 water rescues had been reported in the Houston area as the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey continued to ravage the Gulf Coast with torrential rains, flooding, and strong winds. In response to the devastation Harvey has caused, Mission Wealth has donated to Direct Relief, whose simple mission it is to improve the health and lives of people affected by poverty and emergencies.

With the donations they receive, Direct Relief is able to support victims by deploying emergency stockpiles to nonprofit community health center partners throughout the affected areas. These stockpiles contain both hurricane and critical medicines supplies, which are then distributed to those who have been impacted by the tropical storm. The map below indicates the number and locations of such health centers.

Every contribution helps. If you wish to donate to Direct Relief, or want to learn about other ways of helping, visit

Direct Relief Hurricane Harvey Map

Click on the Hurricane Harvey map to view Direct Relief’s health care partners, flood levels, social vulnerability and open Red Cross shelters in the Houston area. (Map by Andrew Schroeder/Direct Relief)