Cancelled fireworks, closed beaches, socially distant barbeques… It might not be what we were hoping for, but we can still celebrate the fourth of July during coronavirus. We've put together some tips so that you don't miss out this year - and you stay safe.
Even though Covid-19 has changed how we get together this year, we can still celebrate Independence Day with our family, friends, and neighbors if we follow some safety tips.
We've put together 4 ideas to consider this year, because nothing is more important than your health and safety.
1. Rethink Your July 4th Travel Plans.
2. Handle Fireworks Responsibly, Seriously.
You might not be able to lie on a blanket and watch colors popping overhead this year, but fireworks are still going to be a big part of July 4th celebrations. Many communities are hosting drive-in fireworks that you can view from your car. Others are repositioning live displays so people will be able to see them from their yards. And still others will be broadcasting their shows online.
Backyard fireworks are sure to be more popular this year as well. However, the National Safety Council warns that legally purchased fireworks can be a fire and personal safety hazard. Even the “harmless” sparklers we sometimes hand off to children can burn hot enough to melt metal. Only ignite fireworks at a safe distance from other people, your home, and nearby structures like fences or trees. And always keep a bucket of water nearby, just in case. You can celebrate the fourth of July during coronavirus, but a firework accident can ruin anyone's holiday, pandemic or not.
3. Prepare Your Backyard for Social Distancing.
Your annual cookout will need some tweaks this year if you plan to share space with people outside your household. Consider sending your guests a list of ground rules ahead of time.
Use chairs, cones, or other markers to designate areas in your yard or driveway for each family. Instead of serving food buffet-style, portion out meals in disposable containers, or ask guests to bring their own food and beverages. If you’re comfortable letting people into your house one at a time, clean a bathroom near a door, stock it with hand sanitizer or disposable paper towels, and ask guests to wipe down high-contact surfaces like countertops and doorknobs when they’re finished. And even at a six-foot distance, wearing a face mask when you’re not eating or drinking can help everyone keep their germs to themselves.
4. Make the Best Choices for Your Family.
Some communities that don’t have restrictions on large gatherings are going forward with their usual 4th of July festivities. If you do attend public carnivals, parades, or fireworks, be mindful of health and hygiene best practices. Face masks, social distancing, and lots of hand washing can help keep you and your loved ones safe. Also consider if attending an event could put older family members or anyone with a preexisting medical condition at risk of infection, or if young children might struggle with social distancing once they spot a playground.
We Hope That Everyone Has a Safe and Memorable Holiday.
We’ve spent 2020 living with quarantine and so many other restrictions on our daily lives. July 4th gives us a much-needed opportunity to celebrate our country, our freedoms, and our loved ones. Whether you’re adapting summer traditions or starting new ones this year, we hope you stay safe and have fun. As always, please reach out to our team with any inquiries.
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