By Skyler Kraemer MS, CFP®
Client Advisor
Last week, BlackRock’s CEO Larry Fink sent letters to the CEOs of the companies that they invest in, as well as to their clients. Through these letters Mr. Fink highlighted the firms' belief that climate change will have a significant impact on the performance of global financial markets.
BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager, is uniquely positioned to play a role in encouraging corporations to step up transparency and address climate-related risk. They also promise that all of their portfolio managers will incorporate climate-risk into their investment process, emphasizing that climate change can no longer be ignored in financial and socioeconomic risk analysis. NPR reported “[BlackRock’s] shift could signify a watershed moment for corporate action on climate, particularly among U.S. firms”.
At Mission Wealth we are proud to offer Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) investing through our suite of Social Values Portfolios. We believe in building custom portfolios that align our clients’ portfolios with their personal values, should they have an interest in doing so.
We have a strong partnership with BlackRock and have been using their iShares ESG-focused ETFs (among others) within our Social Values portfolios for a number of years.
If you’re interested in learning about ESG strategies and Impact Investing you can reach out to our experienced team. Now with advances in technology, new funds, and lowered trading costs, the old days of sacrificing returns for a Socially Responsible portfolio are long gone.
About Mission Wealth
Our Social Values Portfolio enables you to invest sustainably and align your personal beliefs with your portfolio. You can also benefit from a cost-effective and tax-efficient solution as you connect purpose with your life savings.
Mission Wealth selects and proactively monitors companies and investments deemed to be “best in class” based on ESG (environmental, social and corporate governance) criteria. Through our sophisticated research software, we analyze the universe of stocks, bonds, mutual funds and ETFs to include investments in companies with high ESG scores.
Typically, the companies that meet our selection criteria are leading the charge in addressing the challenges of our time, such as climate change, water management, food scarcity, pollution, corporate ethics, and human rights, amongst others.
Our Social Values Portfolio is thoughtfully constructed and represents a well-diversified basket of investments. To learn more, please click here.
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