Mission Wealth is pleased to announce that we have been ranked #123 in FA Magazine’s 2021 RIA Survey & Ranking, which lists the top Registered Investment Advisor firms in the country. Additionally Mission Wealth ranked #33 in FA Magazine Top 50 Fastest Growing Firms list, and #8 fastest growing in California.
Out of 607 firms that made the RIA Survey & Ranking, Mission Wealth placed in the top 20% of the list at #123 with a 45% growth in assets and 33% change in number of clients from 2019-2020.
Mission Wealth continues to move up in ranking on this list each year. In 2020, the firm ranked #158 with a 37% growth in assets from 2018-19. This is another jump from the 2019 ranking, where Mission Wealth was #169 on the list from 2017-2018.
This is the fifteenth annual ranking of independent advisory firms produced by Financial Advisors (FA) magazine. FA's RIA Ranking orders firms from largest to smallest, based on AUM reported by firms to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). RIA firms completed a survey for consideration on the list, which was based on total assets under management as of year-end 2020. There are no fees required of independent advisory firms that are surveyed by Financial Magazine for the RIA Ranking.
“We are thrilled and honored to be recognized as one of the fastest growing firms in the nation. Our growth is a reflection of the dedication and passion of our team at Mission Wealth and the care with which they provide holistic service to our valued clients.” said Matthew Adams, Mission Wealth Chief Executive Officer. “As a 100% employee owned firm that is now growing nationally and on a much larger scale, we are excited about our collective future and being a firm of both permanence and independence for our clients and our team.”
Mission Wealth is a nationally recognized RIA founded in 2000 that oversees over $4.3 Billion in client assets under management. Mission Wealth is known for its service model, driven by a world-class technology stack that offers financial planning, investment counsel, tax strategies, estate planning coordination, philanthropic advice, and risk management solutions tailored to each client’s needs.
Mission Wealth’s vision is to provide caring advice that empowers families to achieve their life dreams. Our founders were pioneers in the industry when they embraced the client-first principles of objective advice, comprehensive financial planning, coordination with other professional advisers, and proactive service. Mission Wealth is a fiduciary, and our holistic planning process provides clarity and confidence. For more information on Mission Wealth, please visit missionwealth.com.
About Financial Advisor Magazine – RIA Survey
FA’s RIA survey is a ranking based on assets under management at year end of independent RIA firms that file their own ADV with the SEC. FA’s RIA ranking orders firms from largest to smallest, based on AUM reported to us by firms that voluntarily complete and submit FA's survey by our deadline. We do our best to verify AUM by reviewing ADV forms. To be eligible for the ranking, firms must be independent registered investment advisors and file their own ADV statement with the SEC and provide financial planning and related services to individual clients. Firms must have at least $500 million in assets under management as of December 31, 2020 to be included in the print edition of Financial Advisor magazine’s 2021 RIA survey. Firms with under $500 million will be included the FA’s expanded online RIA survey. For more information, visit the FA website at www.fa-mag.com.
Mission Wealth is a Registered Investment Adviser. This document is solely for informational purposes, no investments are recommended. Advisory services are only offered to clients or prospective clients where Mission Wealth and its representatives are properly licensed or exempt from licensure. No advice may be rendered by Mission Wealth unless a client service agreement is in place. 00411895 07/21