Learn About Quinn Johnson
Professional Background
Quinn Johnson is a 2022 graduate of The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, earning a degree in Business Administration. Alongside his studies, Quinn gained five years of experience with a local firm, serving clients and contributing to operations. He is thrilled to be part of a team with an exceptional company culture, striving to provide best-in-class wealth management.
Personal Pursuits
Quinn is a native of Greensboro, North Carolina, and enjoys taking advantage of his proximity to the mountains and the beach. His favorite activities include kayaking, camping, and attending NASCAR races and classic country music concerts throughout the Southeast.
Community Impact
Quinn fervently supports organizations that address food insecurity within the local community, as well as the Richard Petty Foundation and Raising Men Lawn Care Service, which provides free lawn care to elderly or disabled people, single parents, and veterans.

About Mission Wealth
Mission Wealth is a nationally recognized Registered Investment Advisory firm (RIA) founded in 2000 known for its service model, driven by a world-class technology stack that offers financial planning, investment counsel, tax strategies, estate planning coordination, philanthropic advice, and asset protection solutions tailored to each client’s needs.Mission Wealth’s vision is to provide caring advice that empowers families to achieve their life dreams. Our founders were pioneers in the industry when they embraced the client-first principles of objective advice, comprehensive financial planning, coordination with other professional advisors, and proactive service. Mission Wealth is a fiduciary, and our holistic planning process provides clarity and confidence.